


Playground(s) in Kleiner Tiergarten

Before the Vorschul Kids set sail from the Kita and started their new adventure in school, I took the opportunity to ask them to pass on their tips on finding the best playground in Moabit. A popular suggestion was the Kleiner Tiergarten, “it has a playground, actually even 2!” The children excitedly explained their reasons as to why it was a much loved playground, from the big seesaw which has space for 6, to the area where they can kick off their shoes and create sand cakes. An absolute must was also to cycle down from the top of the small bridge, along the curvy track and back under the bridge as fast as possible. Another hidden gem in Kleiner Tiergarten is to look out for the musical instrument which is built into the floor, one jump on it reveals a musical sound.

I was also interested to find out which playgrounds got the thumbs down from the children, “Ich habe einen langweiligen gesehen, der nur eine Rutsche hatte, sonst nichts.” The other kids quickly confirmed that playgrounds with just a slide and a swing were considered boring and nicht toll!

But dreamt of a playground with a swimming pool, ice cream shop, ghost house, zipwire!

playground_kleiner_tiergarten.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/10/09 14:34 von gausepohl